Ultimate Edition 5.4 Released, Based on Ubuntu 17.04 and includes Budgie desktop

Ultimate Edition developer "TheeMahn" has announced the release of Ultimate Edition 5.4, the latest version of the project's Ubuntu-based desktop Linux distribution. This build is based on the just-released Ubuntu 17.04 and includes, for the first time, the Budgie desktop

What is Ultimate Edition 5.4? 

Ultimate Edition 5.4 was built from the Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus tree using a combination of Tmosb (TheeMahn’s Operating System Builder) & work by hand.  Tmosb is also included in this release (1.9.8), allowing you to do the same. It has the capabilities to build over 3000 Operating Systems.  This release ISNOT a Long Term Supported (LTS) release.

Currently I have only built the tip of the iceburg, I have began and finished building Ultimate Edition 5.4 & can build 5.5 based on Zesty (17.04).  Our beta besters asked for inclusion of Bungie & I have made it so.  I try and listen to my people.  This release has “Budgie” desktop, however not set as default.

This Operating System was auto generated using:
TheeMahn’s O/S Builder (tmosb) 1.9.8, 04/11/2017
GNU tmosb home page: .
E-mail bug reports to: .
Be sure to include the word tmosb somewhere in the Subject: field.

Using the command: tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.4-x64-lite.iso -YES
on Sat Apr 15 11:43:51 EDT 2017 by theemahn on JackHammer

Source Build platform:
JackHammer is an AMD FX(tm)-8150 Eight-Core Processor resonating at 3612.181 Mhz
MEMORY: 16,326,364 bytes
HOST ARCH: 64 bit
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=”Ultimate Edition 5.4″

Destination Distribution Information
Distribution Base: Ubuntu zesty
Architecture: amd64
Detected Desktop Environments:

Distro: Ultimate Edition
Version: 5.4
KERNEL: -4.10.0-13-generic
LTS (Long term supported): No
Data Preparer: Data Publisher: TMOSB
Type: Lite
Default Desktop Environment(DE): Mate
Isoname: ultimate-edition-5.4-x64-lite.iso
Installed Size: 11,020,595,200 bytes.
Ultimate Edition 5.4 “Zesty Zapus” – Release x64 (20170415)
Build logs:
URL: http://ultimateedition.info/Ultimate_Edition_5.4/

Please note: The above url, may not work if the release has not been made public.
Build logs:
URL: http://ultimateedition.info/Ultimate_Edition_5.4/

Please note: The above url, may not work if the release has not been made public..

Here is the full release announcement. Although the release is labeled as "lite" as its default desktop environment is MATE, it is a 3.7 GB download due to the inclusion of a large number of popular packages
