What’s New in OceanWP: Responsive Controls and New Header Style

After several days of work, I am pleased to present you this new update of OceanWP focused on the responsive. Now you’ll be able to control several elements for tablet and mobile devices like font size, padding, columns, and so on. How It Works
When you see the responsive buttons next to the title of an option in the customizer, this means that you can change the values for this option for tablet and mobile devices.
Just click on the “Desktop” icon, two more icons will appear, clicking on one of them, your site will simulate this device and you will be able to add a custom value for it.
Show/Hide Some Elements
A new “Visibility” field has been added in the Top Bar, Page Header, Footer Widgets, and Footer Bottom sections to allow you to show or hide its elements on tablet and mobile.
Footer Widgets Columns
By default, on the tablet and mobile screens there is only one column for footer widgets, since this update you can easily choose to display your widgets between 1 and 4 columns as the GIF above.
New Header Style
A new header style has been added “Medium” with several options to allow you to customize this header style according your needs,
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14869/what-s-new-in-oceanwp-responsive-controls-and-new-header-style

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/04/16/whats-new-in-oceanwp-responsive-controls-and-new-header-style/