30+ Free High Quality WordPress Themes Worth Checking Out in 2017

When I first started working with WordPress many years ago, themes in the WordPress Theme Directory were “okay.” That is to say, they weren’t great but they did the job well until it was time to get serious and buy a premium theme. But times, they are a-changin’. Theme shops have changed the game, lifting the standard of themes you’ll find in the free repository with free versions of their products. And these free versions come complete with features you would have previously only found in premium themes like WooCommerce support and responsive design.
Gone are the days when downloading a free theme meant settling for a subpar theme. Now you can – and should – expect a well-coded theme that’s completely customizable using the Theme Customizer.
Here’s our list of the some of the best free WordPress themes you’ll find in the WordPress Theme Directory that have been developed by premium theme shops, plus a few released by independent theme developers.
Flash is a good-looking multipurpose theme with a minimalist aesthetic – ideal for business and corporate sites. It features multiple pre-built demos, which you can import in
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15125/30-free-high-quality-wordpress-themes-worth-checking-out-in-2017

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/05/16/30-free-high-quality-wordpress-themes-worth-checking-out-in-2017/