Book Review: "Advanced Penetration Testing"

"Advanced Penetration Testing: Hacking the World's Most Secure Networks", by Wil Allsopp, is a "next level" penetration testing book. This book was made for pentesters who are looking to take their game to that next plateau in terms of social engineering payloads, evading detection, and custom implants. The book takes the stance of APT modeling or "Advanced Persistent Threat" attack modeling, such that pentesters can conduct better simulations as well as help organizations prepare for motivated actors. When I was talking to Wil about the book, he actually made this excellent point as well, "it needed to be written if only to point out the growing gulf between how systems are getting compromised and the way pen tests are currently being performed". Each chapter introduces a new vertical market to attack, as well as a new phishing technique or initial access techniques, all usually relying on some form of social engineering, or getting a user to execute code. Each chapter also introduces a novel C2 method, or method of the agents / implants calling back to the attacker infrastructure, relaying data and receiving new instructions. These are great exercises in red teaming, and gives readers all sorts of innovative new ideas to try in their callback channels. The book ranges from ~$25-$35 for about ~250 pages on Amazon, and the content is well worth that. I give the book 8 out of 10 stars for presenting consistently interesting techniques, promoting advanced attacker theory, generally intriguing pentests, and being a good text for taking traditional pentest techniques to the next level. I recommend this book to penetration testers of medium to advanced skill level, essentially if you are already writing your own implants or finding the need to write custom implants to avoid detection. Even if you aren't at that stage in your pentesting, the book is wildly entertaining if you’re into penetration testing in general. Below are the chapters and sections of the book, in my typical fashion, such that you can get a better understanding for the techniques and contents of the book:

Chapter 1: Medical Records (In)security
An Introduction to Simulating Advanced Persistent Threat
Background and Mission Briefing
Payload Delivery Part 1: Learning How to Use the VBA Macro
 How NOT to Stage a VBA Attack
 Examining the VBA Code
 Avoid Using Shellcode
 Automatic Code Execution
 Using a VBA/VBS Dual Stager
 Keep Code Generic Whenever Possible
 Code Obfuscation
 Enticing Users
Command and Control Part 1: Basics and Essentials
The Attack
 Bypassing Authentication
Chapter 2: Stealing Research
Background and Mission Briefing
Payload Delivery Part 2: Using the Java Applet for Payload Delivery
 Java Code Signing for Fun and Profit
 Writing a Java Applet Stager
 Create a Convincing Pretext
 Signing the Stager
Notes on Payload Persistence
 Microsoft Windows
Command and Control Part 2: Advanced Attack Management
 Adding Stealth and Multiple System Management
 Implementing a Command Structure
 Building a Management Interface
The Attack
 Situational Awareness
 Using AD to Gather Intelligence
 Analyzing AD Output
 Attack Against Vulnerable Secondary System
 Credential Reuse Against Primary Target System
Chapter 3: Twenty-First Century Heist
What Might Work?
Nothing Is Secure
Organizational Politics
APT Modeling versus Traditional Penetration Testing
Background and Mission Briefing
Command and Control Part III: Advanced Channels and Data Exfiltration
 Notes on Intrusion Detection and the Security Operations Center
 The SOC Team
 How the SOC Works
 SOC Reaction Time and Disruption
 IDS Evasion
 False Positives
Payload Delivery Part III: Physical Media
 A Whole New Kind of Social Engineering
 Target Location Profiling
 Gathering Targets
The Attack
Chapter 4: Pharma Karma
Background and Mission Briefing
Payload Delivery Part IV: Client-Side Exploits 1
 The Curse That Is Flash
 At Least You Can Live Without It
 Memory Corruption Bugs: Dos and Don’ts
 Reeling in the Target
Command and Control Part IV: Metasploit Integration
 Metasploit Integration Basics
 Server Configuration
 Black Hats/White Hats
 What Have I Said About AV?
The Attack
 The Hard Disk Firewall Fail
 Metasploit Demonstration
 Under the Hood
 The Benefits of Admin
 Typical Subnet Cloning
 Recovering Passwords
 Making a Shopping List
Chapter 5: Guns and Ammo
Background and Mission Briefing
Payload Delivery Part V: Simulating a Ransomware Attack
 What Is Ransomware?
 Why Simulate a Ransomware Attack?
 A Model for Ransomware Simulation
 A symmetric Cryptography
 Remote Key Generation
 Targeting Files
 Requesting the Ransom
 Maintaining C2
 Final Thoughts
Command and Control Part V: Creating a Covert C2 Solution
 Introducing the Onion Router
 The Torrc File
 Configuring a C2 Agent to Use the Tor Network
New Strategies in Stealth and Deployment
 VBA Redux: Alternative Command-Line Attack Vectors
 Windows Scripting Host (WSH)
 Simple Payload Obfuscation
 Alternative Strategies in Antivirus Evasion
The Attack
 Gun Design Engineer Answers Your Questions
 Identifying the Players
 Smart(er) VBA Document Deployment
 Email and Saved Passwords
 Keyloggers and Cookies
 Bringing It All Together
Chapter 6: Criminal Intelligence
Payload Delivery Part VI: Deploying with HTA
 Malware Detection
 Privilege Escalation in Microsoft Windows
 Escalating Privileges with Local Exploits
 Exploiting Automated OS Installations
 Exploiting the Task Scheduler
 Exploiting Vulnerable Services
 Hijacking DLLs
 Mining the Windows Registry
Command and Control Part VI: The Creeper Box
 Creeper Box Specification
 Introducing the Raspberry Pi and Its Components
 Choosing an OS
 Configuring Full-Disk Encryption
 A Word on Stealth
 Configuring Out-of-Band Command and Control Using 3G/4G
 Creating a Transparent Bridge
 Using a Pi as a Wireless AP to Provision Access by Remote
The Attack
 Spoofing Caller ID and SMS Messages
Chapter 7: War Games
Background and Mission Briefing
Payload Delivery
Part VII: USB Shotgun Attack
 USB Media
 A Little Social Engineering
Command and Control Part VII: Advanced Autonomous Data Exfiltration
 What We Mean When We Talk About “Autonomy”
 Means of Egress
The Attack
 Constructing a Payload to Attack a Classified Network
 Stealthy 3G/4G Software Install
 Attacking the Target and Deploying the Payload
 Efficient “Burst-Rate” Data Exfiltration
Chapter 8: Hack Journalists
Advanced Concepts in Social Engineering
 Cold Reading
C2 Part VIII: Experimental Concepts in Command and Control
 Scenario 1: C2 Server Guided Agent Management
 Scenario 2: Semi-Autonomous C2 Agent Management
Payload Delivery Part VIII: Miscellaneous Rich Web Content
 Java Web Start
 Adobe AIR
 A Word on HTML5
The Attack
Chapter 9: Northern Exposure
Operating Systems
 Red Star Desktop 3.0
 Red Star Server 3.0
North Korean Public IP Space
The North Korean Telephone System
Approved Mobile Devices
The “Walled Garden”: The Kwangmyong Intranet
Audio and Video Eavesdropping

This book is chock full of fundamental offensive computer security techniques, from the basics of process migration to enumerating Windows domains, hunting specific users, and assuming their privileges. "APT" also dives into tons of custom software stacks, such as the hilarious HDF solution, that is legitimately funny to read about. One of my favorite "hacks" is when Wil shows how the custom Raspberry Pi build pentest drop box (He calls it a Creeper)  gathers and exfiltrates other short range wireless keylogger data. It's a pretty epic combo that really weaponize those physical intercept devices. Other excellent attacks include bypassing two factor security by pivoting through the browser and existing web sessions and many more. My only critique is at times I felt like there was some filler content, such as the short bit on SOC analysts could have been summarized as a footnote or link to a more in-depth resource (considering readers are expected to be on "advanced" content). I really enjoyed the evolution of phishing  payload attack vectors, like document macros and rich HTA applications. In fact, the barrage of creative initial vectors and the various command and control channel implementations alone made this book worth it, there’s also a  companion site of sorts (Wil's homepage). I encourage you to check this book out, it was both enlightening and entertaining!