Download : Easy Retarget

Finally Use Your Own Domains to Retarget with Social Spy Agent!
(Harness the Power of Your Own Brand)


This is something I heard over and over again from customers who purchased Social Spy Agent. They loved the concept behind the software, but it frustrated them that they couldn't use their own domains (and brands) to retarget! Let me pose 2 questions to you...

1. Did you ever want to use your own domain (and brand) to retarget websites you don't own? (YouTube videos, affiliate offers, amazon pages etc etc)

2. Did you ever want to use your own domain to retarget websites you do own (but using one single brand to do so)? 

If you answered YES to either of the above questions, carry on reading...
I set out to find a solution to this because I do listen to my customer's feedback and it's very important to me that everyone has a great experience with whatever software I put out. 
The outcome is a very simple, effective and easy-to-install WP plugin! 
The best part?
You don't need Social Spy Agent for EasyRetarget to work! They work independently of eachother!

<< .. INTRODUCING .. >>

How Does It Work?
Set Up a Campaign in 4 Easy Steps!

Step 1: Name Your Audience
Step 2: Enter Your URL You Want to Retarget Traffic From
Step 3: Enter Your Facebook, PerfectAudience or AdRoll Pixel Code
Step 4: Click on "Create"

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How To Download :