Download : Social NEOS

Creating Viral Videos, Building your List and Generating Endless Traffic..
Just got a WHOLE Lot Easier!

The Only Viral Traffic Plugin You'll Ever Need.
Turn Any Video or Content into a
List Building Machine in 3 Easy  Steps.

Increase Viral Sharing and Automatically Build Your List 

by Locking Your Content


SocialNeos is a WordPress plugin for locking content to entice your visitor to optin to your mailing list or to share your content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+. You can lock all kinds of content, like full webpages or specific parts on your blog such as text paragraphs, images and/or videos. You can even set several content locks on one webpage. Probably the best feature is that when your visitor unlocks the content by sharing your content, the plugin automatically captures their email as well. However, if you prefer, you can also just ask your visitor to optin to your newsletter for unlocking the content (without the social sharing). So the benefits are two-fold: viral traffic and list building.

Sales Page :

Download Link :
Part 1
Part 2

How To Join The File :
You Must Use HJsplit to join all of them.

How To Download :
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