Grandchildren Themes or Grandchildren Plugins To Be Exact!

I’m a fan of Genesis themes. They look nice, they’re secure, and they’re well coded. A lot of things I have to reinvent in other themes are done out of the box in Genesis. But they’re not perfect.
Frameworks Beget Children Themes
The problem with Genesis themes is that if you use them, you’ll end up using a Child Theme and not Genesis. Unlike boilerplate themes like Underscores, you’re not meant to edit the theme itself but make a child theme.
For the most part, this doesn’t bother me. I don’t generally edit the child themes, except in two cases. Both of my fan sites run highly modified versions of the default themes, and one of them uses the amazing Utility Pro theme by Carrie Dils.
And that was my problem. I knew Carrie was working on a new version which would have some amazing updates. And I? I had forked her theme.
Marrying Forks
Merging my fork to her new theme had, generally, not been an issue. I’ve updated it a dozen times already and I just run a tool to find the diff between the files. I’m a Coda fan, and I use Comparator to check out the differences between files. Doing this is time consuming and annoying, however,
