How to Create a WordPress Widget From Scratch

WordPress Widgets are blocks of static or dynamic HTML content that can be added to specific areas of the front-end pages (widget areas or sidebars). WordPress provides a good number of built-in widgets, like Archives, Categories, Tag Cloud, Search, Recent Posts, Calendar, and more. Moreover, as I’m going to explain in this post, plugin developers can easily create a WordPress widget from scratch, add custom features and specific content to any theme supporting this amazing feature. You can find tons of WordPress widgets in the Plugin Directory (currently over 50,000), in WordPress markets and vendor websites, and you’ll probably find any widget you may need. Anyway, occasionally you will not find the widget you’re looking for, and you’ll need to build your own.
How to Create a WordPress Widget
The good news is that you can create a WordPress widget even if you’re not a professional developer. You just need a very basic knowledge of OOP in PHP, and a general understanding of WordPress plugin development. This post will drive you through WordPress widgets development, explaining how to build a widget that allows site admins to select a list of posts to be
