How to install and configure pfSense 2.3.4 firewall

Download software from URL

You can chose software as per your Hardware architecture and Platform. 

Hardware Requirement for pfSense
pfSense version – 2.3.4
Hard disk - 
CPU   - 2.4 GHz Dual or Quad Core
RAM - 1 GB

pfSense Firewall details
WAN IP Address:
LAN IP Address:

Now insert bootable media in system DVD drive or using USB bootable media and start pfSense firewall installation in Step by step.

Wait for few second or, press 1 to boot the system for next screen.

Press “I” to launch the installer before time count out.
In Next screen you will require to select “Accept these Settings  and follow the further installation steps
Select “Quick/Easy install”, also you can select the custom install option to perform disk partitioning and other action manually.
Now click to “OK” for confirming the continue installation 
Wait for the next screen as installation started, and executing command in system
Select now “Standard Kernal” or you can select Embedded kernel

Installation is finished now click on reboot , and remove installation media from System.
While rebooting of machine, you will get pfSense firewall web browser address and default username and password.
Username: admin
Passwrod: pfsense
Press F1 or wait for few second to get the new screen for next configuration.

Here you need to configure Vlan for your network if you do not want to configure this now, than type “n” for next configuration.
Press “a” to auto configure your WAN and LAN interface. Make sure all the physical adaptor detected in system.
Now you will get pfSense firewall main screen, here you need to configure you interface address, to configure IP address, choose option: 2) set interface(s) IP address
Next, configure web address URL , you can either access firewall with https or http.
 Main Screen of pfSnese firewall
Finally pfSense firewall installation completed. Further to more assistance and query regarding installation or discussion. Please write in below comment.