Maker Faire Bay Area 2017: Maker Mayhem Game

Seen at Maker Faire Bay Area, this lovely open source board game — Maker Mayhem! Created by Barb Noren ( and on display at the Crash Space booth.

Maker Mayhem is a co-operative board game for the maker movement. Three to six players work together to meet the requirements of a wild project, such as a giant robotic duck. Draw a skill badge and use related Resource cards at friendly hackerspaces all over the board. Visit learning sites to get new skill badges. And beware the Chaos deck, which might help you along, or set you way behind. Don’t forget to keep an eye on the clock, because you have a deadline!

The game is released under Creative Commons, and you’ll be able to download the files to make your own. I haven’t played the game yet, but I like the looks of it, and, hey, Adafruit has its own board tile!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!