Shadow Brokers launch subscription service for fresh exploits, zero-day leaks

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While the world scrambled to fight off the WannaCry ransomware which caused serious disruption to core services worldwide, the Shadow Brokers threat group were planning to cash in on the market for exploits used to deliver such malware.

The subscription service, beginning in June, will cost 100 ZCash coins to join per month, roughly $23,000 at the time of writing.

ZCash (ZEC) is a virtual currency, not unlike Bitcoin, which uses the Equihash as an algorithm and tight information controls to disguise transactions.

"If you caring about loosing $20k+ then not being for you," the group said. "Monthly dump is being for high rollers, hackers, security companies, OEMs, and governments. Playing "the game" is involving risks."

Shadow Brokers say they have not decided what to include in the next dump yet, but lamented that no bidders decided to buy the full dump in August last year, of which the price was set at an astounding $567 million.

Originally, the threat group was dismissed. However, they proved the potential severity of the treasure trove they hold -- stolen from the US National Security Agency (NSA)'s elite Equation Group -- when the latest dump included Windows SMB exploits used to spread WannaCry.

"The time for "I'll show you mine if you show me yours first" is being over," the group said. "This is being wrong question. Question to be asking 'Can my organization afford not to be first to get access to theshadowbrokers dumps?'"

Shadow Brokers have hinted that the dump may include web browser, router, handset exploits and tools, fresh exploits for the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system, compromised network data from SWIFT users and central banks, or even information from Russian, Chinese, Iranian, or North Korean nukes and missile programs.

The first dump is expected to hit between 1 and 17 July in a mass email to any who choose to pay up and subscribe, news which is likely to put researchers on edge.

See also: Beyond Stuxnet and Flame: Equation 'most advanced' cybercriminal gang recorded

Earlier this month, researchers discovered a vast cryptocurrency-mining botnet which also infects slave PCs for the operation through the NSA-leaked exploit.

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