Want To Empower Remote Workers? Focus On Their Data

By Jeremy Zoss, Managing Editor, Code42

Here’s a nightmare scenario for IT professionals: Your CFO is working from the road on a high-profile, highly time sensitive business deal. Working late on documentation for the deal, a spilled glass of water threatens everything. His laptop is fried; all files are lost. What options does your organization have? How can you get the CFO these critical files back, ASAP, when he’s on the other side of the country?

Remote user downtime has high costs
It’s not just traveling executives that worry IT pros. Three-quarters of the global workforce now regularly works remotely, and one in three work away from the office the majority of the time. Across every sector, highly mobile, on-the-go users play increasingly important roles. When these remote users lose, destroy or otherwise corrupt a laptop, the consequences can be serious.

  • On-site consultants: Every hour of downtime is lost billable time.
  • Distributed sales teams: Downtime can threaten deals.
  • On-site training and technical support: Downtime interrupts services, which can hurt relationships and reputations.
  • Work-from-home employees: These might not be high-profile users, but downtime brings productivity to a halt—a cost magnified across the growing work-from-home workforce in most organizations.

Maximizing remote productivity starts with protecting remote user data
Businesses clearly recognize the huge potential in empowering remote workers and mobile productivity. That’s why they’re spending time and money on enabling secure, remote access to digital assets. But too many forget about the other end of the spectrum: collecting and protecting the digital assets that remote workers are creating in real-time—files and data that haven’t made it back to the office yet. As productivity moves further away from the traditional perimeter, organizations can’t let that data slip out of view and beyond backup coverage.

Get six critical tips to empower your mobile users
Read the new white paper and see how endpoint visibility provides a powerful foundation for enabling and supporting anytime-anywhere users.

The post Want To Empower Remote Workers? Focus On Their Data appeared first on Cloud Security Alliance Blog.

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