Analyzing Third-Party Performance on Your WordPress Site

A lot of optimization articles focus on how you can speed up your WordPress site, such as optimizing your images or moving to a faster host. While those are all important, today we want to discuss with you the impact of third-party performance and how it affects your WordPress site. Basically, anything you call externally from your site has load time consequences. What makes this problem even worse is that some of them are only slow intermittently, making identification of the issue even more difficult. Today we’ll explore ways to identify and analyze third-party services and performance problems. What Are Third-Party External Services?
A third-party external service could be considered anything that communicates with your WordPress site from outside your own server. Here are a few common examples we encounter on a regular basis:
Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (widgets or conversion pixels)
3rd-party advertising networks like Google Adsense,, BuySellAds, Amazon Associates
Website analytics like Google Analytics, Crazy Egg, Hotjar
A/B testing tools such as Optimizely, VWO, Unbounce
WordPress comment systems such as Disqus, Jetpack, Facebook
