Animated Subway Map GIFs Compared to Actual Geography

Animated subway map new york

These are awesome!

From My Modern Met.

Have you ever wondered just how true-to-life the world’s many metro maps actually are? If so, you’re in luck! Recently, Reddit users have started to create animations that compare stylized subway maps with accurate geographical representations. Now, this transit-inspired trend has taken off, with several cities starring as its subjects.

The phenomenon began when vinnivinnivinni, a contributor on the Data is Beautiful subreddit, created and shared a unique map based on Berlin. Rendered as an animated gif, the image shows the well-known, line drawing-like map as it morphs into a more realistic portrayal of the city’s subway system. To create her moving masterpiece, vinnivinnivinni used data from Google Maps, Wikipedia, and the official subway map of Berlin.

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