AR Super Mario Bros

Incredible project from Abhishek Singh via UploadVR:

Developer Abhishek Singh recreated a life size Super Mario Bros. level and played it wearing HoloLens in New York’s Central Park. He did this all dressed as Mario and he filmed it in a video that is very likely destined to go viral. Be sure to watch through to when the holes open up in the ground.

The project was made in development toolset Unity. Singh put it together over the course of about a month.

“I also had to model all the assets and elements of the game and at times rethink the experience and gameplay to work in a real-world 3D setting. The most time was probably spent on tweaking the game to work in a large outdoor environment,” Singh wrote in an email to UploadVR. “It still has a few quirks but is definitely playable. The final level was more than 110m long!”

Read more and see more from UploadVR via YouTube. Don’t miss Abhishek Singh’s site.

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