Are Your WordPress Themes Flexible or Fast?

This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. If you’ve developed WordPress themes for mass distribution, you might have come across the problem of finding the perfect balance between building performant themes and building feature-rich, media-heavy products for your customers.
Let’s look closer into what the tension might be all about and how you can find ways to compromise between creating fast loading themes and giving users the flexibility and easy customization options they love and expect.
Are Flexibility and Performance At Odds When Coding WordPress Themes?
I will start by saying that my discussion is not going to be about performance in relation to an entire WordPress website, which might include a number of different factors like finding a great hosting provider, implementing caching mechanisms, leveraging both back-end and front-end techniques, etc.
Also, the topic is not about the performance of WordPress themes you code from scratch either for your own use or for a specific client. In these particular cases you tailor your themes to the specific needs of yourself or
