Atari 2600 Made out of Game Cartridge and Raspberry Pi Zero @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

via Mr Pj Evans

A few years ago, I got a great Atari 2600 VCS job lot. Two consoles (a light-sixer and a Vader – now both composite modded) and a stack of games. Out of all the games only one appeared to be beyond repair. That cartridge, Activision’s F-14 Tomcat, was duly placed in the bits and bobs box until a project came to light for it.

Almost simultaneously, I came across the cart and a couple of 9-pin sub-D joystick ports. The brain, it ticked. And tocked. And finally came up with a Raspberry Pi Zero. Of course, an Atari 2600 in a cartridge! Why not? Why? Who cares.

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