BankBazaar app crosses 1 mn downloads

BankBazaar app, the unique personal finance app from BankBazaar has surpassed one million downloads mark on Google Play Store.

The app allows users to track transaction history across multiple savings accounts and credit cards on one single interface. The increasing number of downloads reflects the interest amongst India’s young and tech-savvy audience to opt financial services and products through mobile devices.

The company attributes this growth to the recently integrated unique Personal Finance feature on the app, which makes it is something that can be used every day to keep track of your personal finances. The app enables users to manage every aspect of their financial life: savings, spends, and credit.

The app provides you with a direct window into your financial situation, and gives a real time picture of the overall wealth size. The app tracks credit card billing cycle and give you reminders to pay your bill on time, thereby helping you to improve your credit score. The app delivers best of the credit offers in an instant and paperless way, as well as updates you with the latest status of the products you applied for in real-time....Read More