Everything You Need to Know About WordCamps

WordCamp season is in high gear, and chances are you will attend at least one before the summer is over. If you’ve never been to a WordCamp it can seem intimidating. Each one brings in more people, more speakers, and more after parties. That’s a lot to prepare for. However, WordCamps are a great place to grow your business or meet a new friend.
We talked to two WordCamp experts who have attended more than their fair share of conferences to get advice on attending your very first one.
If you feel like you’re comfortable attending but are playing around with the idea of speaking, we have expert advice for you on that as well. Either way, you’ll have the tools to make this WordCamp season your best.
Meet the Experts
John James Jacoby has been a fixture of WordCamps and estimates he has attended almost 100 of them. It is safe to say he has a fair amount of WordPress conference wisdom.
Sara Cannon is another active WordCamper who can’t even count the number she’s attended. Even though she’s spoken at 25, she can remember back to the days of her first appearance at a WordCamp.
Michelle Schulp is no stranger to WordCamps. She was an organizing committee
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15303/everything-you-need-to-know-about-wordcamps

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/06/09/everything-you-need-to-know-about-wordcamps/