Fish Hammer Utilizes a Track-Based Curvilinear Motion System

From neilmendoza on Instructables:

Humans have been destroying fish habitats for many years through activities from trawling the ocean floor to filling it with plastic. With the advent of the fish hammer, fish can now wreak destruction on mini human habitats. The project was created at Autodesk’s awesome Pier 9 digital fabrication workshop as part of their artist in residence program.

This Instructable will show you, in detail, how to construct a track-based curvilinear motion system. These systems are the most common type of drive mechanism for fish hammers (the part that makes the hammer move around the aquarium). However, the same mechanism can be employed to move anything along a curved track. For example, a motion control system for cameras.

If you do decide that you want to actuate a fish controlled hammer rather than any other object, below is an overview of some of the things that you might need to consider…

Read more and see more from Neil Mendoza on vimeo and

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