Hackaday MakeIt June WORKSHOP: Lots of Bots! @hackaday @MakeItNYC @SophiKravitz @sgentiluomo


If you’re in the NYC area this Sunday, June 25th make sure to stop by fat cat fab lab for Hackaday MakeIt June Workshop!

Interested in bots and generated text + visuals? Join us for a Sunday afternoon of learning, jamming and collaborating at Fat Cat Fab Lab!

Come and make your own chat + twitter bot (and possibly play with some JS robotics. We do love hardware, after all).

We’ll be featuring presentations, demos and tutorials by bot makers. All experience levels are welcome! Newbies will be able to get their feet wet right away.

Intermediate + experienced folks are highly encouraged to attend! Get some inspiration for your next project, share your knowledge & enjoy a fun afternoon of bots, hacks & snacks.

If you would like to show off your own projects or give a brief tutorial on your preferred tools + processes, please be in touch with Shayna!

Speaking || Teaching:

Jenn Schiffer is Community Engineer for Glitch.com at Fog Creek. Along with making art and jokes and apps, she runs the web developer meetup JerseyScript in Jersey City and co-emcees/organizes BrooklynJS. She is incredibly strong and runs very fast.

Jenn will give a talk + demo on her work, process, and Glitch.

Leonard Richardson is a software developer and science fiction author. He works for the New York Public Library on SimplyE, a project to improve the experience of borrowing ebooks from public libraries. He wrote the Beautiful Soup screen-scraping library for Python.

Leonard enjoys talking about the creative things people do for fun. He’ll speak about computerized art that is doing interesting things with narrative, interactivity, and language.

Stay tuned for additional speakers and details!

Read more and RSVP here!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! http://ift.tt/2tohRop