How to Increase the WordPress Maximum Upload File Size

If you are reading this post, no doubt you have run into an issue uploading files to your WordPress site and are looking for a quick fix. The all too common “exceeds the maximum upload size for this site” error can be very frustrating. So in this post, we will dig into the root of the problem and provide you with some quick ways to resolve this issue and get back to uploading your files. First of all, why in the world does this happen? Well, it’s important to understand that this is usually not a WordPress issue. In most cases, the WordPress maximum upload file size is a server-level setting which also means that unfortunately, you can’t resolve it from within WordPress.
This limit exists for security and efficiency’s sake. It prevents users from flooding your site with huge video uploads and grinding your servers to a halt. We think that’s fair enough, but nowadays a default upload of 2 or 5 MB (an amount many servers default to) just doesn’t cut it, let’s see how we can go about increasing it.
Increasing The WordPress Maximum Upload File Size
There are three basic ways you can go about resolving the WordPress maximum upload file size
