Introducing the GiveWP Developers Blog – GiveWP Developers

We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand new developers blog. Up until this point, most of the product development discussion has been on Github and Slack. While those means of collaboration are important, we felt there needed to be a more public place where our development announcements and updates could live. Enter this blog. We are now going to post important development news, announcements, and code updates here to ensure everyone has access to the discussion. We think it’s important that our users and developer community know what’s going on under the hood. This is our effort to keep you in-the-know regarding GiveWP development.
What to Expect
Starting today, we’ll be posting regularly about changes within GiveWP’s core plugin and add-ons. The information will be valuable to both users and developers. If you want to engage further, we encourage you to join the conversation on our Slack channel.
A Few Notes
While we love supporting our plugin, this blog is not meant to be an additional support channel. If you have a question, or need support, please check out how support works.
