New York City Nonprofit Fosters Community and Supports STEM Teachers #MakerEducation

Halfpoint MfA

EdTech Magazine highlights the work of the NYC nonprofit Math for America.

About 46 percent of teachers report a high level of daily stress that negatively impacts their health, sleep and teaching performance, a study from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Penn State University finds. In turn, when their teachers are highly stressed, students exhibit lower academic achievement. All in all, the study finds that this stress likely leads to educators leaving the classroom.

Founded in 2004, Math for America is a nonprofit organization working to support some of those educators by offering paid fellowships to New York City-based science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) teachers.

In New York City, MfA educators have only a 4 percent attrition rate, compared to the 9 percent of other STEM teachers in the city.

Read more.

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