Pomodoro Productivity, Team Growth, Less Email and Sh*t Goes Wrong
Hi! This is the first of a series of posts that I’ll be writing to keep you updated on what’s going on with WP Buffs from the perspective of its founder. That’s me.
I’ll keep it pretty simple. 3 things that went well over the past month and 3 things I screwed up. I want to tell you about all the good things happening at WPB, but I can’t stand people who only post when they have good news. It’s like looking at someone’s Instagram account and being jealous of how awesome their life is when those pictures have been carefully curated from the best 1% of their lives.
As anybody who’s run a startup before knows, what it looks like from the outside may not reflect what’s happening on the inside. A company can easily look like it’s running smoothly when in reality, it’s going up in flames.
I’ll be writing something quick like this every month so please subscribe to stay tuned in.
1. Pomodoro Productivity Journal
By far the biggest shift in my day-to-day running of the business has been the addition of the Pomodoro technique.
It’s pretty straight-forward. Every evening before finishing work, I write down 3-5
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15391/pomodoro-productivity-team-growth-less-email-and-sh-t-goes-wrong

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/06/23/pomodoro-productivity-team-growth-less-email-and-sht-goes-wrong/