Prevent robots crawling “add-to-cart” links on WooCommerce

A few days ago we noticed that a WooCommerce site hosted on our platform is using much more CPU’s processing capacity compared to the number of visitors. Although the site had been using all of the top 3 factors for speed performance or reducing CPU usage, in this case: Litespeed cache, APCu object cache and Google Cloud CDN, still, still, we noticed that this site with around 500 visitors a day has higher CPU usage than a site with 40,000 visitors a day. The problem is not in the WooCommerce or "add-to-cart" format of the links; in fact, the problem is that "add-to-cart" pages are not cacheable. Closte uses Litespeed WordPress cache that is fully compatible with WooCommerce and features an integrated monitoring system that gives you statistical analyses for three parameters: Cache-Hit, Cache-Miss, and Uncacheable. Let’s check out these parameters in brief.
Cache-Hit – the number of requests that have received a cached response. These requests do not utilize CPU capacity or memory and you should always try to keep this number high.
Cache-Miss – the number of requests that were not cached at the time, but a cache is generated for next requests.
