Raspberry Pi as an E-Book Server @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

via opensource.com

eBooks are a great way for teachers, librarians, and others to share books, classroom materials, or other documents with students—provided you have ready and reliable access to broadband. But even if you have low or no connectivity, there’s an easy solution: Create an eBook server with the open source Calibre eBook management software running on a Raspberry Pi 3. Here’s how I did it—and you can, too.

First I downloaded the latest Raspbian Pixel image and installed it on a new 8GB microSD card. Then I inserted the microSD; connected a keyboard, mouse, and an old LCD TV with an HDMI cable; and booted the Pi. After adjusting the resolution of the Pixel environment on my monitor and connecting to the local network, I was ready to begin. I opened a terminal and entered sudo apt-get update to get the latest updates for the operating system.

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