The Do’s And Don’ts of WordPress Renewals Discount, Following The WooCommerce Blunder

WooCommerce just dropped their 50% Renewals Discount and got some heavy backfire from the community due to the way it was rolled out, so I thought it would be a great timing to shed some light on the topic of discounting renewals. Renewals Discount is an important topic which, for some reason, no one has ever covered in-depth before. I personally have had conversations about whether WordPress plugin and theme developers should be discounting renewals or not, in just about every WordPress event I’ve attended in the past 3 years (PressNomics, PrestigeConf, LoopConf, and WordCamps). When I try to understand the reasoning behind the discount, the common and not surprising answer is – “others do it, so we decided to follow the trend”. In most cases, I encourage developers to ditch the Renewals Discount for various reasons which I’ll cover in this article.
Was The WooCommerce Renewals Discount Removal Justified?
Let’s start by addressing the elephant in the room. I do think that removing the Renewals Discount was a smart business decision for the company, and I’m certain it won’t have any effect whatsoever on WooCommerce’s checkout funnel
