The Future of Caldera Forms – Caldera Forms

In case you missed it: Yesterday we announced a new SaaS platform for improving the process of working with WordPress contact forms: Caldera Forms Pro. A couple of years ago I had dinner with some friends the night before a WordCamp. About 2/3s of the people there worked at companies that make popular form builders. The other 1/3 couldn’t understand why we were so frustrated about reliably sending contact form submissions via email.
Caldera Forms was probably about 10% as popular then as it is now, so I honestly didn’t know yet how big of a problem it was. But, I’ve spent 2 years obsessing over it. Every Caldera Form is unique, but most of them rely on email.
Caldera Forms Pro is about making the form email process not just reliable and beautiful but as useful to your business as possible. What we started beta testing yesterday, gives you a better looking emails, that are reliably delivered and let you know if they were opened or clicked on.
It’s very cool, and I’m really excited about what we have and what we plan on doing to make the information that is submitted to Caldera Forms as useful to you as possible. I want to share with you — those who
