This Westworld Dolores Costume Is All About the Details
I’ll never cease to be amazed at the dedication of cosplayers who want to get it just right. They go to impressive lengths. For example, Enayla Cosplay committed to her Westworld Dolores ensemble in every way. She couldn’t find the exact right fabric for Dolores’ dress, so she did a lot of tests with dye. She says:
A million test swatches later, I think I’ve finally hit upon the right dye combination for Dolores’s fabric
It’s been near-on impossible to find anything remotely screen-accurate, but I’m happy with the texture of this stuff and I think I can get it pretty close with a good dye job. Cross your fingers and toes that this works out on seven yards of fabric, eep!
Dyeing seven yards of fabric by hand. Whew. You can see some of her swatches in a photo below.
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