Trust WordPress with Live Preview

When most of us walk into a building, we assume that it’s safe. We trust that it’s built to code and structurally sound. And we trust that the engineers and architects behind the building know what they’re doing. If a room is too hot or cold, bright or dim, spacious and sprawling or tight and cramped, many people are uncomfortable and may even complain. Human comfort is the most important aspect of the design of physical space, yet it is nearly impossible comprehensively assess the experience of a space before it’s built.
The disconnect between designing a space and experiencing the end product is the biggest challenge in the building design industry. Digital products face similar challenges in bridging the gap between designing something and publishing it, but physical constraints pose fewer challenges here. WordPress has evolved to provide the potential to close this gap all the way to an end user managing content, by providing a framework for live previewing changes to a site before publishing them.
To fully understand the significance of live preview in the WordPress context, it is informative to consider examples of similar challenges and solutions in other
