What’s New in Gutenberg? (June 5th)

Added multi-block selection support. Added version one of Freeform block.
Accessibility improvements for FormToggle component.
Style tweaks to toolbars and block elements.
Adjust webpack build to avoid duplicated modules.
Added basic revisions panel to the sidebar.
Added utilities entry point including key codes.
Prevent odd enter key behaviour in title.
New ResponsiveImage component.
Switched back to PEG parser.
Renamed many API functions around block registration and handling to add clarity.
New TokenField component.
Updated height of inserter.
Updated plugin generator to include all new build paths.
EmbedBlock: now supports all WordPress oEmbeds.
Documented all the selectors.
More inline documentation.
Documentation for running phpcs.
Added new full-width dashicon.
Use 100% width for iframe embeds and show examples in post_content.js.
Show indication that the inserter can be scrolled for more blocks.
Removed browser env from ESLint to avoid potential bugs.
Initial version of “selection mode” toolbar.
Avoid parsing empty blocks.
Separated PHP code into files.
And various smaller bug fixes.
In Progress (all)
Exploring a decorator extensibility pattern.
New GalleryBlock
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15272/what-s-new-in-gutenberg-june-5th

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/06/05/whats-new-in-gutenberg-june-5th/