What’s New in OceanWP: Menu Icons & Many New Cool Things

This is the first major update to OceanWP since the theme was launched. Many things have been improved and added to this version to make it even more flexible and user friendly. Many extensions have also been updated, all the big new features of the theme and plugins are explained in this post. New Menu Icons Selection
A new icon selection system for your menus has been set up that shows you all available icons as well as several options such as hiding text to display only the icon, control size, position (before/after/below) and alignment.
This new system is not my creation but comes from the Menu Icons plugin.
Why did I directly integrate this plugin into Ocean Extra?
Because I wanted this new icons selection system to be fully compatible with OceanWP, I also added and would add new features in the future.
Read this article in the documentation to learn more.
Create Amazing Mega Menus
A new menu field “Elementor Template” is present in your admin menu items to allow you to add an Elementor template in your mega menu.
Leave room to your imagination to create incredible mega menus.
Customize your 404 Error Page
A new select field is added to allow you to choose an elementor
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15300/what-s-new-in-oceanwp-menu-icons-many-new-cool-things

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/06/09/whats-new-in-oceanwp-menu-icons-many-new-cool-things/