WordPress 4.8 Video: New Features, Quick Recap

Welcome to WordPress 4.8, the first major update to WordPress in 2017. This beautiful montage of new features will showcase all the best that WordPress 4.8 has to offer. WORDPRESS 4.8 NEW FEATURES:
➜ New image sidebar widget
➜ New video sidebar widget
➜ New audio sidebar widget
➜ Updated text widget now contains WYSIWYG visual editor
➜ New link boundaries help w/ editing links in posts
➜ Updated Dashboard widget now includes WordPress events
This video will walk you through all of these new WordPress 4.8 features, with brief explanations on how to use them to your advantage.
WordPress 4.8 is scheduled to be released on June 8, 2017.
This release also lays the groundwork for Gutenberg, WordPress’ new front-end editor. No final date has been set for when this will launch, but this release brings it closer to a reality.
READ MORE ➜ https://wpsmackdown.com/wordpress-4-8&8230;
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Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15273/wordpress-4-8-video-new-features-quick-recap

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/06/05/wordpress-4-8-video-new-features-quick-recap/