WordPress custom post type code enhancements – Robert DeVore

I’ve been working on extending the WP Dispensary plugin and wanted to share some of the ways I’ve found to help boost the power of the Custom Post Types you create. Custom Post Types are a great building block for turning WordPress into more than a piece of blogging software.
Going beyond the original Posts and Pages, you can now segment your content as much as you need, with relative ease.
I personally feel that WordPress wouldn’t be where it is today without the inclusion of Post Type’s in version 3.0.
This is my attempt to show how a few simple code snippets can push the boundaries of what’s possible with WordPress and Custom Post Types.
Plus, it’s a good way for me to keep the codes together in one place to reference in the future
If you’re new to CPT’s and/or haven’t built a Custom Post Type yet, you can check out this article from Torque that breaks CPT’s down and gives you a variety of ways to create your own.
Read it?
Got your own already built?
Let’s look at what we can do now that we have our CPT built.
Note: This article assumes you have a basic understanding of developing for WordPress. Please leave
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15412/wordpress-custom-post-type-code-enhancements-robert-devore

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/06/27/wordpress-custom-post-type-code-enhancements-robert-devore/