6 Best WooCommerce Alternatives for WordPress

One of my favorite things about WordPress is when you find a reliable theme or plugin developer, and then you realize that the search for high-quality website-building tools is over. The only thing I worry about with these sorts of WordPress relationships, however, is that you never really know who you’re dealing with. Or how truly reliable they’ll be in the long run. So, totally hypothetical situation here: let’s say you put all your eggs into one eCommerce plugin basket. Then you hear through the grapevine that the plugin developer changed their pricing model without notifying customers. You’re pretty sure you can’t reasonably afford that jump in price, but you feel stuck with the plugin because it’s the one you built your online store with. What are you supposed to do? Start all over again?
If that scenario above sounds familiar, it’s because this is what recently happened with WooCommerce. Oh, you haven’t heard about it yet? Well, you and probably the majority of their customers are going to find out about this major (and truly unfortunate) change very soon.
What the Heck Is Going on with WooCommerce?
As of writing this article, WooCommerce
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15646/6-best-woocommerce-alternatives-for-wordpress

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/07/13/6-best-woocommerce-alternatives-for-wordpress/