A Brand New Editor for the WordPress Mobile Apps

Now that so many of us carry around tiny pocket-size computers, more and more of our Internet time happens on phones and tablets — not just browsing, but creating. You’ve been asking for a better publishing experience in the WordPress app to make mobile publishing smoother. Today we’re introducing a new editor for iOS and Android, codenamed “Aztec.” It’s speedy and reliable, works with posts and pages, and is ready for beta testing! What’s New?
At first glance, the Aztec editor might look like the old editor — which means you already know how to use it, with no learning curve.
What’s different, exactly? A lot:
The overall user experience is smoother and snappier, with improved scrolling and faster image insertion.
Spellcheck now works reliably.
The addition of Undo and Redo tools means you can easily fix mistakes or move between different versions of your text when writing (and re-writing!).
Dictation! Now, you can draft your thoughts without typing.
Full support for accessibility technologies like iOS’ VoiceOver and Android’s TalkBack.
It’s not just better for people on phones: Tablet users will feel more at home,
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15710/a-brand-new-editor-for-the-wordpress-mobile-apps

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/07/25/a-brand-new-editor-for-the-wordpress-mobile-apps/