Back to Childhood: Blocks are the Future

Check out my previous post about the future of site building & customization in WordPress. Last month, my colleague Joen wrote a great post about blocks and the Editor Focus for WordPress in 2017. Joen designed a fantastic blueprint for blocks in WordPress that the Customization Focus will continue to flesh out and build on over the next year.
Recently, I’ve been starting to look at converting widgets in WordPress to Gutenberg blocks. Widgets are the bits of content you can currently drop into your sidebar or footer in WordPress — like the recently updated image widget, some text, or a search bar.
Updating some of these widgets to use Gutenberg’s block patterns has been quite easy — they are simple blocks of content without a lot of settings. However, some widgets are quite complex. Turning them into blocks has been a challenge.
Take, for example, the Categories widget. It creates a list of all your post categories, and links to the archive pages for those categories. It’s very useful for the large number of bloggers who organize the blog posts on their site using categories. The Categories widget comes with a couple options:
Display categories in a
