Beware the monsters of paid search

Every day, monsters are stealing thousands of clicks from your brand. Prowling around your paid search campaigns and looting your traffic, they come in all shapes and sizes.

As a digital marketer (and especially if you manage paid search), you’re the only line of defense against these monsters. You need to protect your brand traffic, make sure that customers’ clicks are taking them to where they want to go, and ensure a smooth buyer journey.

This eBook from BrandVerity is your field guide to the monsters of paid search. Read it to discover:

  • why monsters are attacking your campaigns.
  • what tactics they use.
  • signs that you’re under attack.
  • how to fight back.

Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download “The Monsters of Paid Search: Beware these Traffic-Devouring Terrors!”

The post Beware the monsters of paid search appeared first on Search Engine Land.