BRAD Plugin: Better Responsibility Around Discoverability

Last week, I saw a tweet that identified a challenge for the WordPress UI: I REALLY wish this was easier to spot on WordPress installs. So many sites are launching with privacy enabled
I wasn’t alone in seeing this as an issue that was worth solving:
Knowing that plugins are best when they are built and supported by teams rather than individuals, Norcross and
I started collaborating (though in the end, the majority of the code was written by him). What we came up with a plugin to improve the experience for site creators. As the responses to Mr. Williams tweet shows, It’s very common to mark a site as inaccessible to search engines and then forget to uncheck that setting when it comes time to launch.
BRAD aims to solve this by moving the notice about search engine discouragement to the top of the dashboard. It also becomes a recurring dismissable notification.
Every week, there is a check to see if the site is still hidden from search engines, and if it is the notice comes back
If you change the siteurl or home options, then the notice comes back (note, you need to change these via the UI or via wp-cli, directly changing the DB)
BRAD is already
