Dear theme author, we need to talk

Dear fellow theme author, How is it going? Pretty bad eh? The market is sinking / shrinking I hear you say.
This is Gerasimos by the way, theme designer / co-founder around here. There’s a 100% chance you don’t know me. You know what though? I’ve kept quiet since February 2012. This is when my small team and I released our first premium WordPress theme. Damn, it feels like yesterday. Anyway, this doesn’t mean that I don’t keep an eye on everything related to our market. Blogs, podcasts, Slack channels, core meetings. Yes, I’m there. Always. Quietly reading / watching and taking notes. When it comes to the local (Greek) WordPress community I’m not so quiet though. For now, my presentations in WordCamps, meet-ups and workshops is my way of showing my gratitude to the WordPress project.
1. On dependencies
One important thing that most of us have probably forgotten by now, is the fact that when we took the plunge of putting a series of WordPress themes out there, we were basically signing a contract which includes a non-negotiable clause. The foundation of our business, our themes, will always depend on another piece of software, WordPress itself.
