Die Shot of 2STD1665 NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor – “Base Island” Layout | @ST_World
Contained in a package like this:
The internal symmetry of this component’s die shot provided by Zeptobars is truly something to admire:
ST 2STD1665 have quite outstanding hFE of 320 (for a non-darlington 65V power BJT). That makes it very useful for switching applications where you wish to drive it with low voltage (e.g. pin of microcontroller with 1.8V VCC) where N-MOSFET would require external circuitry.
You can see extensive net to stitch thin, high-resistance base with metal. Emitter resistance could have been slightly lower with different pad placement (closer to center and on the diagonal) but apparently it’s not a major performance-limiting factor.
And… it’s just beautiful!
Agreed. Absolutely agree.
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