Fermentation Temperature Controller #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

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From Stephen Becker in our G+ Community, Makers, hackers, artists & engineers:

It’s been a long time since I posted on here, but I finally finished my fermentation temperature controller.

Pretty simple really – has a +Adafruit Industries Trinket Pro mounted on a proto hat on top of an older Raspberry Pi B+. All control is handled by the Trinket reading temperatures from a string of DS18B20 sensors, turning the relay box on and off for cold and heat, and also driving the LCD via an I2C backpack. Cooling and heating is indicated by the blue and red led inside of the switch buttons.

All of the temperature data is sent over to serial to the Pi, which runs a Python script that logs it to a file and uploads to Thingspeak (see http://ift.tt/2tSHAYI ). At the same time, I have my fermenter sitting on a scale with a serial port, and measure the mass loss during fermentation continuously via a serial-usb converter plugged into the Pi. The mass data is also read by the python script and uploaded to Thingspeak.

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Featured Adafruit Product!


Adafruit Pro Trinket – 3V 12MHz: Trinket’s got a big sister in town – the Pro Trinket 3V! Pro Trinket combines everything you love about Trinket with the familiarity of the core Arduino chip, the ATmega328. It’s like an Arduino Pro Mini with more pins and USB tossed in.

Trinket’s a year old now, and while its been great to see tons of tiny projects, sometimes you just need more pins, more FLASH, and more RAM. That’s why we designed Pro Trinket, with 18 GPIO, 2 extra analog inputs, 28K of flash, and 2K of RAM. (read more)

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from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! http://ift.tt/2sM8imm