Friday Fun: Get the news with RSS and GUI Zero #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


Via Les Pander.

I’ll come out and admit it, I am a news junkie, have been since I was a teenager. I like to keep up to date with what is going on, across a variety of topics.

For this week’s Friday Fun, I’ll show you how to create your own news application for the Raspberry Pi using GUI Zero. It will read the latest news from the BBC and Sky News RSS feeds, RSS = Rich Site Summary, and it is a standard method of breaking web data down into a feed that a computer can then work with. We shall read the feeds, and then print the top three headlines to the application.

GUI Zero?

The Raspberry Pi Foundation has a habit of naming there products / software with a Zero at the end (#blamenuttall)

But GUI Zero is the result of a lot of hard work by Laura better known as @codeboom on Twitter.

Laura wanted to create an easier way for children to code user interfaces for their projects. And crikey she has!

Read more.

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