GoLismero - The Web Knife

GoLismero - The Web Knife

GoLismero an open source software framework for security testing. Even though it is currently geared towards web security, it can be expanded to other kinds of scans.

It can run their own security tests and manage a lot of well-known security tools (OpenVas, Wfuzz, SQLMap, DNS recon, robot analyzer...) take their results, feedback to the rest of tools and merge all of the results. And the best part about this is that all of this can be done automatically.


  • Real platform independence. Tested on Windows, Linux, *BSD and OS X.
  • No native library dependencies. All of the framework has been written in pure Python.
  • Good performance when compared with other frameworks written in Python and other scripting languages.
  • Very easy to use.
  • Plugin development is extremely simple.
  • The framework also collects and unifies the results of well-known tools: sqlmap, xsser, openvas, dnsrecon, theharvester...
  • Integration with standards: CWE, CVE and OWASP.
  • Designed for cluster deployment in mind.

Note: GoLismero doesn't require installation - only its dependencies do.

Here are step-by-step instructions to install GoLismero on different operating systems:


This requires root privileges so you will be prompted for your password when you run the first command.
sudo bash
apt-get install python2.7 python2.7-dev python-pip python-docutils git perl nmap sslscan
cd /opt
git clone http://ift.tt/15bOQeO
cd golismero
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_unix.txt
ln -s /opt/golismero/golismero.py /usr/bin/golismero

If you have an API key for Shodan, or an OpenVAS server or SpiderFoot server you want to integrate with GoLismero, run the following commands:
mkdir ~/.golismero
touch ~/.golismero/user.conf
chmod 600 ~/.golismero/user.conf
nano ~/.golismero/user.conf

At the editor, add the following sections to the file, as appropriate:
apikey =

host =
user =
*password =

url =

Mac OS X

First, install the Mac Ports.

Run the following commands (requires root privileges):
sudo -s
easy_install-2.7 -U distribute
easy_install install pip
port install nmap sslscan
cd /opt
git clone http://ift.tt/15bOQeO
cd golismero
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_unix.txt
ln -s /opt/golismero/golismero.py /usr/bin/golismero

To integrate Shodan, or an OpenVAS server or a SpiderFoot server with GoLismero, follow the instructions mentioned in the Debian/Ubuntu installation (only if you have API keys).

FreeBSD 10-Release

Run the following commands (requires root privileges):
su -
cd /root
pkg update
pkg install git
pkg install python27
ln -s /usr/local/bin/python2.7 /usr/local/bin/python
pkg install databases/py-sqlite3
pkg install nmap
pkg install sslscan
pkg install devel/py-pip
mkdir /opt 2> /dev/null
cd /opt
git clone http://ift.tt/15bOQeO
cd golismero
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_unix.txt
ln -s /opt/golismero/golismero.py /usr/bin/golismero

If you have an API key for Shodan, or an OpenVAS server or SpiderFoot server you want to integrate with GoLismero, follow the instructions mentioned in the Debian/Ubuntu installation.


On Windows, you'll have to install each tool separately. You can download them from here:
After installing the tools, open a console and run the following commands:
cd %HOME%
git clone http://ift.tt/15bOQeO
cd golismero
pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, you may have to add the tools to the PATH environment variable so GoLismero can find them. You can also add GoLismero itself to the PATH.

If you have an API key for Shodan, or an OpenVAS server or SpiderFoot server you want to integrate with GoLismero, create a new file called "user.conf" where you installed GoLismero and add the following sections to the file, as appropriate:
apikey =

host =
user =
*password =

url =

How To Use GoLismero

Here are some basic commands:

This command will launch GoLismero with all default options and show the report on standard output:
golismero scan 

If you omit the default command "scan" GoLismero is smart enough to figure out what you're trying to do, so this works too:

You can also set a name for your audit with --audit-name:
golismero scan  --audit-name 

And you can produce reports in different file formats. The format is guessed from the file extension, and you can write as many files as you want:
golismero scan  -o 

GoLismero Shell Screenshot
Additionally, you can import results from other tools with the -i option. You can use -i several times to import multiple files.
golismero import nikto_output.csv nmap_output.xml -db database.db

This allows you to scan the target in one step, and generate the report later. For example, to scan without generating a report:
golismero scan  -db database.db -no

And then generate the report from the database at a later time (or from a different machine!):
golismero report report.html -db database.db

You can also specify multiple output files:
golismero report report.html report.txt report.rst -db example.db

GoLismero Command Prompt Screenshot

To display a list of available plugins:
golismero plugins

GoLismero Plugins Screenshot

You can also query more information about specific plugins:
golismero info 

GoLismero Plugin Details Screenshot

Use the -e option to enable only some specific plugins, and -d to disable plugins (you can use -e and -d many times):
golismero scan  -e 

You can also select multiple plugins using wildcards. For example, you can select all bruteforce plugins like this:
golismero scan  -e brute*

GoLismero Bruteforce Screenshot


GoLismero currently produces reports on the console, in plain text files, in reStructured text format, and in HTML format. In all cases, the reports are self-contained in a single file for easier transport - that means the HTML report is a single .HTML file with everything bundled in, and you can just attach it to an email to send it to someone else.

If no output files are specified, GoLismero reports on the console by default. But you can choose both at the same time too! For example, let's write an HTML report and also see the output on the console, using the special filename "-":
golismero scan  -o - -o report.html

Here's what the HTML report summary looks like on Chrome:

GoLismero HTML Report Screenshot

from Effect Hacking full article here