How to auto-connect your Raspberry Pi to a hidden SSID WiFi network #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi



I have a Raspberry Pi 3B that acts as a web server for my temperature sensing network. I also use the same Pi for my Pi Word of the day tweets. It’s been pottering along fine for a long time. But last week we had a power outage while we had smart meters installed.

For ‘network management’ reasons that I won’t go into, I’d recently decided to ‘hide’ the SSID (Service Set Identifier) of the router this Pi was connected to. I had thought it would automatically connect, having been connected before. But it didn’t, so I had to connect a keyboard and screen to the Pi, log into the router, make the SSID visible, then retype the password and let it connect again.

That was all a bit of a faff.

“There has to be a better way. Someone must have done this before!” I want it to be hands-free and automatic on booting.

So I googled “connect to hidden SSID on raspberry pi” and came up with a nice blog page with a procedure in. I tried it on my Pi3 with Jessie (a few months old) but it didn’t work for me (it was a bit out of date). I had a quick glance through the comments on that page and found the magic key which made it work.

Read more.

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