How to Do a Tabata Workout

A Tabata workout is a 4-minute high-intensity interval training regimen. Tabata is broken up into eight 30-second sets. Each 30 second period is broken into 20 seconds of workout and 10 seconds of rest. By putting forth maximum effort, the Tabata workout is intended to get results very quickly. Ultimately, by starting with a basic Tabata workout, expanding your Tabata regimen, and incorporating Tabata into your exercise routine, you’ll be able to improve your cardiovascular fitness.


EditPracticing the Basics

  1. Pick an exercise. Because Tabata is reliant on quickly repeating simple exercises with full exertion, you should pick those that are relatively easy and comfortable for you to do. And since Tabata moves so fast, you should choose exercises you are confident you can do with correct form so you don't injure yourself. Tabata was developed for use on stationary bicycles, and that is still the ideal way to Tabata. Other possible exercises include:[1]
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    • Cardio training exercises like: stationary cycling, using an elliptical, rowing machine, or doing jumping jacks.
    • Basic training exercises like: squats, pull ups, crunches, push ups, jumps, or sit-ups.
  2. Exercise for 20 seconds. After choosing an exercise, you need to complete a set of intervals or repetitions of that exercise. Performing repetitions vigorously and repeatedly is the essence of Tabata.
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    • Put maximum effort and energy into completing your intervals. If you are cycling, begin pedaling as hard and fast as you possibly can.
    • Each interval will take 20 seconds. Do as many reps as possible. For example, if you are completing jumping jacks, see how many jumping jacks you can do in 20 seconds. Make it your goal to beat your personal record.
  3. Rest for 10 seconds. After completing repetitions for 20 seconds, you will rest. Resting is important, as it gives your body time to recover from the strain of vigorous exercise.
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    • End your last repetition in the start pose of the exercise. For instance, if you chose crunches, make sure you stop exercises and start your 10 seconds of rest when you are in the down position.[2]
  4. Complete seven more sets. A complete Tabata workout (a circuit) is made up of eight sets. As a result, you'll need to complete all eight (exercising for 20 seconds and resting for 10 during each set) to finish your circuit.[3]
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    • As with your original set, make sure to exercise as vigorously as possible throughout the rest of the circuit.
    • Circuits may be made up of a variety of exercises. For instance, you can pick one exercise, go back and forth between two different ones, or even do eight completely different exercises.
    • Feel free to walk a few minutes after completing your circuit to cool down.
  5. Note the difference between Tabata and Tabata-style timing. Tabata training is a very specific and simple workout that requires you to give 100% of your energy, moving as fast as you can. This lends itself only to certain exercises. If, for instance, you want to incorporate weights into your Tabata workout, then it is no longer technically Tabata — this is because weightlifting requires you to move slower and with caution so you do not injure yourself. Another example is running, which requires time to accelerate and decelerate, which means you are not doing full-out exertion for the full 20 seconds. A combination of high speed and high intensity can easily lead to injury.
    • There is nothing wrong with doing Tabata-style timing instead of traditional Tabata, but it's important to distinguish between the two. True Tabata training emphasizes total high-intensity work, as Tabata found that intensity was as (or perhaps even more) important as duration of exercise. Doing traditional Tabata with an inappropriate exercise (like resistance training with weights) could lead to serious injury.
    • By the 6th or 7th interval, your muscles may be exhausted, which puts you at risk of injury if you are doing something like weight lifting or running on a treadmill. You will need to modify your level of intensity or range of motion when doing these exercises, which means it is not true Tabata.
    • A stationary bike is ideal for Tabata, as there is no "ramp up" time as on a treadmill (you would lose 10 to 15 seconds to speed up and slow down a treadmill for your intervals), and because you are seated and stationary, you are unlikely to injure yourself.
    • Tabata is named after Dr. Izumi Tabata, a Japanese physician and researcher who developed the workout. The athletes who participated his research were on stationary bikes, which allowed them to stop and start quickly.

EditExpanding Your Tabata Workout

  1. Choose multiple exercises. After you’ve perfected a basic Tabata workout, you should consider a more advanced workout. By varying your workout, you’ll challenge yourself and get more out of your Tabata experience Tabata should always be a challenge — if it is starting to get easy, then you need to change it up.
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    • Feel free to choose anywhere between two and eight different exercises.
    • Think about picking exercises that work different muscle groups in different ways. For example, if you choose four different exercises, you might pick: mountain climbers, crunches, burpees, and squats.
  2. Plan your exercises carefully. Setting up any equipment before you begin will save you time as you move through your circuit. Consider where in the gym you will need to perform each exercise. For example, group all exercises that require the use of a piece of equipment or exercise mat. Remember, however, to also be considerate of other gym-goers: if you take the only pair of 25 pound dumbbells and then only use them for 20 seconds during your eight minute workout, you might make some enemies. If this is the case, use your 10-second cool down to return the weights so other can use them.
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    • Think about your position as you perform the exercise. For example, group all exercises that require you to stand up (like jumping jacks and pull ups). If your circuit includes situps, pushups, jumping jacks, and squats, make sure you do situps and pushups back-to-back, since you'll be on the floor for both.[4]
  3. Decide whether you want to alternate exercises. If you choose to do one type of exercise more than once, you need to decide if you want to do those sets back-to-back or alternate them with different types of exercises. When deciding this, consider:
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    • That completing multiple sets of the same exercise back-to-back may save you time. For instance, if you choose to do two sets of pushups in your circuit, by doing them back-to-back, you won't have to waste time getting in the same position again.
    • That alternating exercises might be more interesting. For example, you may get bored doing multiple sets of crunches. You may find that it is more fun to instead alternate crunches with pushups, jumping jacks, and squats.
    • That completing multiple sets of the same exercise might tire you out faster. For instance, if you do two sets of pushups first, you may wear yourself out and be unable to effectively complete two sets of pull ups or lifts later in the circuit.[5]
  4. Finish your circuit. By completing all of your chosen exercises and appropriate number of sets, you’ll finish the circuit and conclude your Tabata workout.
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    • Make sure you complete eight sets. If it helps, write out or print your Tabata schedule so you can see it while completing a circuit. This way, you won't forget or repeat a set.
    • Stay energized as you begin to wrap up your circuit. While you may be very tired by the 6th or 7th set, remind yourself that you are almost there. Try to view Tabata as a personal challenge that you want to win.
    • It is okay if your circuit goes over 4 minutes. Over time, you'll be able to finish your circuit more efficiently.[6]

EditIncorporating Tabata into Your Fitness Routine

  1. Keep time while you exercise. Timing and full-exertion are what make make a workout Tabata. You'll need to keep your time while you do reps, sets, and the whole circuit. Without keeping time, you won’t be able to get the most out of Tabata.
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    • Use some sort of app to alert you when to switch sets.
    • Place a clock prominently so you can see it while you work out.
    • Use a traditional timer.[7]
  2. Create a Tabata schedule. Tabata should be part of a total comprehensive workout schedule. To do this, tailor your schedule to spread Tabata out and to pair it with other types of exercises.
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    • Start with Tabata once a week. This exercise works your heart up to or near its maximum capacity, and your heart (which is also a muscle) needs to rest and recover or you risk damage.
    • After four to eight weeks of doing Tabata once weekly, you may want to increase to twice weekly. Any more than that is too much.
    • Do cardio training on off days. For instance, run, swim, or cycle on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
    • Consider doing some weight training on days you do Tabata. For instance, if you’ve designed a Tabata regimen that focuses on your core, plan to do some weight training that works out your upper body.[8]
  3. Manage your Tabata routine with an app. Mobile device apps will help you design routines, plan your week, and provide you with prompts on when to switch exercises during your circuit.
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    • Use the schedule function on apps to design and plan different circuits for each week.
    • Many apps also have a way to include different types of exercise routines, like running or swimming, into your schedule. This way, you'll have a comprehensive view of your fitness activity for the week.
    • Try apps designed specifically for Tabata like Tabata Pro or Tabata Trainer or apps designed for interval training like Bit Timer or HIIT Workout Timer.[9]

EditSources and Citations

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