How Writers & Bloggers Can Make the Most of Markdown in WordPress

This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. Markdown is a quick and easy way to add formatting to a document. Most articles on SitePoint (including this one) started life that way. In fact, all submissions must be posted in Markdown format.
You can use Markdown on your own blog or website. First, you need to choose a good web host – like our preferred web hosting provider, SiteGround, where you can even get WordPress pre-installed. Now you have the task of filling your blog with quality content. Markdown promises to make the process faster and simpler.
I use Markdown a lot, and that use is increasing. There’s something about it that I enjoy, that makes writing easier and faster—and somehow more pleasurable. I write in it professionally using Ulysses, take notes in it using Bear, and I’m even considering outlining in it using Outlinely. It’s becoming a big part of my online life, and I’m not alone. Consider making it part of your workflow.
What benefits does Markdown bring to writers and bloggers? How can it improve your writing workflow? What does it have
