HTTP/2 server-push, faster or slower site?

Server-push is the new feature of the new HTTP2 protocol, which can push files to the client’s browser before the browser itself recognizes that those files would be needed. This avoids the usual HTTP request/response cycle that happened for each script or stylesheet, and the main point is to speed up your site’s loading time. The new HTTP2 protocol is used by about 14% (May 2017) of all internet sites, however, the server-push technology is not even used by near 1% because it is rather new but also because it is unable to speed up every site. So it’s about time to see if this technology can speed up the loading of your WordPress site or maybe slow down. How does the HTTP2 server-push work?
For instance, let’s say we have an HTML site with two images. When a visitor tries to load this site, and the site does not support server-push, then the visitor has to go three times to the server, once for the HTML site, and twice for the both images. If the site does support server-push, then the server can respond: "Hey, you need at least these two images, take them now so you don’t have to go back twice." It is easy to be understood, doesn’t it?
Which files do you
