iThemes Exchange Going to New Home at

Four years ago this month, we launched iThemes Exchange, our WordPress e-commerce plugin, with the goal of simplifying e-commerce. Since then, we’ve launched countless new features and add-ons and served and supported our community through the project. iThemes Exchange has been a project we’ve been very passionate about and one I’m very proud of, but we have not been able to devote the resources or time to Exchange that it deserves to grow, despite continuing to maintain and support it as we do all of our products for the last 4 years.
This is a bittersweet moment for us, but we’ve made the decision to refocus our time and efforts on other key projects at iThemes (namely, iThemes Security, iThemes Sync and BackupBuddy, and a new project we’ll be announcing soon) … and will be turning the iThemes Exchange project over to a very competent leader and long-time WordPress community member, AJ Morris, and his team at in early August 2017.
What does this mean for you? Here are some answers to questions you might have about iThemes Exchange and its future:
When will iThemes Exchange officially move
Early August 2017.
What happens
